Author Archives: admin
Jeffrey Hensinger Image Software
Jeffrey Hensinger has developed a new image software package to integrate with his new fractional laser which is in development.
Jeffrey Hensinger ceramony Aug. 23rd
Jeffrey Hensinger will have a formal ceramony on August 23rd for his appointment to the Board of Directors.
Jeffrey Hensinger has been appointed to our Board
Jeffrey Hensinger officially today has been elected to our board of directors. We are pleased to have Mr. Hensinger’s experience in sales, marketing, management and his cutting edge technical developmental skills.
Jeffrey Hensinger breaks sales records
Jeffrey Hensinger has won our quarterly sales award. This has been the highest revenue quarter by one individual since the inception of the company. Nice job Jeff
Jeffrey Hensinger announces new Microdermabrasion machine in development.
Jeffrey Hensinger today announced to his staff that there is a new Microdermabrasion in development to be released by year end.
Jeffrey Hensinger
Jeffrey Hensinger is our VP of Sales and Service since 2011.
Lumenis LightSheer 12mm Hand Piece Repair, Complete rebuild
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Lumenis LightSheer 9mm Hand Piece Repair, Complete rebuild
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